"Devoted to the Breeding and Development of Quality Hunting Retrievers"
Specializing in Retriever Field Training for both the Hunter and Field Test Competitor
Field Training - Client Endorsements
The following is an e-mail that Curtis Hail from Dallas, TX sent to a club consisting of fathers and sons who hunt and fish together from a local Dallas church.
----- Original Message -----
From: Curtis Hail
To: curtishail@evangecube.org
Cc: chesnut@washita.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 3:39 PM
Subject: gun dogs
Gun Dog dreamers,
Some of you have seen my lab and have expressed interest in a similarly bred and trained dog. While it will be another year and one-half before I am likely to have any pups of my own to offer (if ever - I may or may not dabble in that), I did want to pass along to you at this time the following information for anyone interested in getting a very good dog this Spring.
The professional trainer that I've worked a lot with on Major and from whom I purchased my female (who looks like will blow Major out of the tub as a competitive retriever by the way) is Jeff Chesnut. He owns Washita Retrievers near Duncan, Oklahoma. He just notified me that he has a litter on the way (hopefully the breeding took). I have had the pleasure to watch both the sire and dam a lot in training sessions and in competition. They are magnificent dogs and I would have no qualms buying one of their pups. You get what you pay for and it really helps to know and see in action the parents when you go to buy a dog like this.
I pass along this information as a service to you - I'm not a 'paid spokesperson' - so if you would like to get more information please contact Jeff at chesnut@washita.com or look them up on the web at www.washita.com
Jeff is also an excellent resource if you need a professional trainer to take your dog and work wonders with it. He did a great job with Major, taking my novice efforts and taking him from Started to Intermediate. Again, Jeff didn't ask for the plug and I pass it along because if you are novice like I was (am) it really helps to deal with people you know have a lot of integrity and experience.
Happy New Year and happy hunting,
The following is an e-mail conversation between Charles Gay, a client in the fall of 2002, and Brian Dunlevy who had purchased a puppy out of MHR Jubal and GMHR Kara and was considering bringing him (Boomer) in for training. He has since done so. The following is included with permission from both gentlemen.
From: "Charles Gay" <ctgay@earthlink.net>
To: "Brian Dunlevy" <BSDunlevy@dfw.fishelco.com>
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: [No Subject]
> Brian,
> Good to hear from you, and of course I remember you. The first time I sent
> Rosy off, she was 8 months old, and I was worried about the same thing. I
> feared that her personality would be changed, that her spirit would be
> broken, that she would not recognize us, and that she would just be a
> different dog. I was wrong on all of the above! In fact, there are now
> times I wish that she was a little bit "broken" though I really love her
> spirit.
> All that said, there are trainers who will ruin a dog in the name of
> obedience or success. Jeff is not such a trainer, and that is one of the
> reasons that I chose him. Also, Jeff is honest, and he will tell you if
> your dog should just go home and be a pet, or if he thinks the dog has
> potential and should stay in training. A lot also depends on what you want
> out of the dog, but some of the equation of course depends on the dog's
> innate ability. I suspect your dog has a fair amount of genetic ability
> since you bought him from Jeff.
> Rosy took about 5 minutes to re-acclimatize to home, even though she came
> home to San Antonio (we had moved from Edmond, Oklahoma, while she was with
> Jeff). These dogs are extremely adaptable, and they will not forget you.
> Even so, I would encourage you to visit the dog as often as possible (after
> Jeff is ready for you to visit). Try to take your wife and kids, too, but I
> know that is not always possible. My wife and girls never visited either
> time Rosy was away, and she remembered them as soon as she saw them four
> months later each time.
> Best of luck. I am sure you will be pleased with what Jeff can do, but as
> everyone says, don't expect too much in the first few months. That way, you
> might be pleasantly surprised, but you won't likely be disappointed.
> And I think Rosy may just be ready for duck season. I will probably be
> hunting with her up around Lake Proctor, but not as much as I would like.
> Good luck,
> Chuck Gay
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brian Dunlevy" <BSDunlevy@dfw.fishelco.com>
> To: <ctgay@earthlink.net>
> Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 10:37 AM
> Subject: Re: [No Subject]
> Chuck
> I hope you remember me as I was the guy that sent you pictures of Rosy. I
> was curious as to how she is doing and how long it took her to acclimate
> back to the home enviroment. I am getting ready to send Bommer to Jeff for 6
> months and my wife is very concerned about what he will be like when he
> comes home. I promised her that I would check with some other owners and see
> what their experience has been. This is the first dog I have ever sent off
> for training and would welcome your response.
> I hope all is well with you and your family and Rosy is ready for duck
> season. Good Luck and I hope you have a great season.
> Thanks Brian
Washita Retrievers will be glad to provide references, give you a tour of our facilities, invite you out to train with us for the day, and address any questions or concerns you might have. Feel free to contact us at 580-476-2126 or via e-mail at chesnut@washita.com.
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