Washita Retrievers
Training Grounds – Rush Springs,
the flashing light at the intersection of 81 and 17 (on the West side of Rush Springs), go West on 17 four miles. Take the paved county road South 1.5
miles. The “west” entrance into training
grounds is on the East side of the road and is represented by the green star on
the map. The “south” entrance into the
training grounds is exactly 1/2 mile south of the “west” entrance and about
3/10 mile east on the paved county road.
The “south” entrance is marked by a red painted cattle guard and also
acts as the entrance to the trailer house you can see from the road back past
the small pond. It is represented by the
red star on the map. To get to the “back
52” acres behind the trailer house, proceed past the trailer house, between the
horse barns, through the open gate, following the path to the right as you go
past the stand of trees.